General rates
Daily rates 2025
Daily rates
In this section you will find all the details of our pricing. The daily rates schedule will inform you of the discounts you will take advantage when you plan your tee time outside of peak hours. You will also find the rates for our men's and lady’s nights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our driving range rates and cart prices. To book your tee time now, call (819) 986-8035.
Rates per person, plus taxes
(12 to 17 years old) - Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays after 3 p.m.
Free for a junior accompanied by an adult or a member.
Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Week and weekend
Cart prices
18 holes MEMBER $19 per person, taxes included 9 holes MEMBER $11 per person, taxes included 18 holes NON-MEMBER $21 per person, taxes included 9 holes NON-MEMBER $12 per person, taxes included
Cart Specials
20 rounds of 18 holes or 40 rounds of 9 holes = $319 (for one person) Pour la saison/ for the year = $1,200

Packages available 2024
- On sale from April 1st, 2024 (Limited quantity) Possibility to buy jointly with a friend.
- For sale from April 1st, 2024 - Possibility to buy jointly with a friend.
Rates - Men's and women's evenings
Les Mardis
56$ avant 15h00
51$ après 15h00
( INCLUS golf, souper et chance aux cadeaux)
Les Mercredis
56$ avant 15h00
51$ après 15h00
( INCLUS golf, souper et chance aux cadeaux)

Cart Rates - Men's/Women's Evenings
18 holes (members and non-members) $16 per person, taxes included 9 holes (members and non-members) $10 per person, taxes included
Scope of practice for all

Basket prices
- Large basket $13
- Medium basket $10
- Small basket $7
Membership card for the field of practice
Reserved for club members only
- Adult $229 tx included
- Couple $349 tx included
- Junior $110 tx included
- Family 425$ tx included